Something For Everyone


Youth Ministry

FUSION is the AFC Youth Group and includes ages 12-18. There is a unique Sunday School class, regular youth events and the first Wednesday of each month is a special Youth Service. Most of our youth are involved in the music ministry and have opportunities to develop their talents to be used of God.

Sunday School

We have Sunday School classes for all age groups including nursery. Please be sure to visit the Sunday School classrooms to see what theme our “top notch” teachers are teaching this quarter. Each quarter the classrooms are transformed. It could be a jungle, a ship or outer space. Come and find out where they are now!


AFC has always been a missions minded church. We not only engage in outreach and missions in our local area but we also support and participate in Global Missions and North American Missions. We believe in the mission of UPCI which is The Whole Gospel, to the Whole World, by the Whole Church!

Social Media

Through our active and vibrant Facebook page and Youtube channel, we open up the opportunity for the sharing of God’s Word on a larger scale and create opportunites for people of all walks of like to tap in to what God is doing here at AFC!

Bible Study

Wednesday night Bible Study is like going to Bible College! You will experience anointed Bible teaching on subjects like the new birth, the gifts of the spirit, the tabernacle plan, marriage & relationships, parenting and end-time prophecy. The teaching is informative and easy to follow using practical application, powerpoint and more. 

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